Sunday, December 16, 2012

Meaningless words

I wish I could tell you everything that I wanted to tell you. But you're not around anymore.

I'm sorry. Write soon.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I am unsure of every loving moment

I ask of you one thing, and only will I ask you of this once:

Did you really love me? Because I forgot how to believe the truth.

Friday, December 7, 2012

We are only mortal

The world is cold, and soon it's going to freeze over from all the horrible things that we allow to happen.

We need to do something. It's time to make a difference.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Goodbyes are hard, but only for a little while

We are never going to understand why people care for us one day, and then decide to not care the next. Their thought process is not in our hands, and we have absolutely no way in controlling it. So let them know that they have hurt you and that they have deceived you, and let those be the last words you say to them because closure is good sometimes. It allows you to accept what is no longer.

If they have the will power to throw away something great, then that's just a damn shame for them.

Be the stronger one.

Be the first to walk away.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unknown answers

When your mind is confused, and your heart doesn't know what it wants, look up.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The world is waiting

Acceptance is key. You are never going to be able to move on unless you learn to accept that what it is, is. The past is never going to change and the future is never going to work out in your favor. Allowing yourself to accept what is teaches you how to see the world from a different perspective.

So accept it. Move on. And show the world how beautiful you are.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

An era of love shatters

Crying keeps every memory I have of you alive.

And I have no further explanation.

I created a story of you, but it's no longer of you

I write with the intent to send.

But then I forget how unreal you've become.

You're a fantasy written too late.

I will never know how to believe again.

Animosity as the plague

I am mentally ill from all of the hurt that you've brought onto me: I cannot find a cure. I have found no way to handle what works inside my heart because I am so disgustingly in love with you that I have become my own savage. Your existence contains every atom that I plead to live for and I will die wondering what it would have been like knowing you as my own. And I hate you for leaving. But I will always remain in love with you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Abandon your dependency

No matter how long it lasted, you knew it was going to come to an end.

So feel every feeling. Cry every Cry.

Let yourself find independence throughout your weakest moments.

You are going to be so thankful one day.

The ripple effect

You're not always going to have the right answer. You're not always going to be sure about yourself. You're not always going to know it all. You're not always going to have happy days.

And that's the beauty of life. It's a cycle.

When there's good, there's bad. Believe in that.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Repetition can get the best of you

It's okay to run back and try it out again.

But it's not okay when you make a habit out of it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lost in between it all

A toxic relationship isn't a relationship at all.

It's a dead end.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Creating the destiny

Missing out on a great opportunity means missing out on becoming the person you've always wanted to be.

So fulfill your dreams with all that your heart desires.

Be that person.

Live that dream.

Never hold back for anyone.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Setting aside reality

Forget where you are, and focus on yourself.

You need it from time to time.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Te extraño

With as much as I am thinking of you, I hope you are reciprocating.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fingertips can cry too

When you come across someone who looks lost, give them your hand.

That's what they're truly looking for.

The humble man takes his ground

I don't want your pity. All I want from you is to be there for me.

Lift me up when I can't stand.

Laugh for me when I find no way to laugh.

Smile for me when I have no urge to smile.

Be my better half.

That's all I ask of you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The present becomes the past

I have a list of days on when I plan to see you next but you are just so far out of my reach.